Upcoming Trainings Integrative Healing The Red BagA Journey of Healing through Life, Death & Beyond The Path SpiritualMystic Coaching
Upcoming Trainings

Trainings and workshops are available for professionals and anyone seeking personal development, growth and healing.

Integrative Healing

Learning to Connect to Your Body’s Own Innate Wisdom and Healing

The Red BagA Journey of Healing through
Life, Death & Beyond

A book to help find meaning and healing in life’s most challenging times and become open to the messages from beyond this earthly realm.

The Path

The Path That Led Me Here

SpiritualMystic Coaching

Connect to your multi-dimensional soul experience.

Over 50 and Childless: Coping with Not Being Able to Have Children

Did you want to have children but were unable to have children? If so, how has childlessness affected your life after 50? Thousands of women (and men) over 50 were stripped of the choice of having their own children and left devastated. How did you cope with the news that you were unable to have children?

The Red Bag, a Journey of Healing through Life, Death & Beyond

Connecting the Journey of Healing through Life, Death & Beyond.

New Show! Our 2nd Act with Paige & Silke

I am so happy to announce that I am co-hosting a new program on 2nd Act TV with my good friend, Silke!